Kisii MP says NGAAF-funded boreholes must benefit schools

Kisii MP Dorice Aburi has said NGAAF-sponsored boreholes must also benefit schools.

Kisii County Woman Representative Dorice Aburi has said boreholes funded by National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) must also benefit schools.

Consequently, the MP has appealed to school heads to work closely with the community to allow them connect the water to their respective schools, noting that though the county has adequate rain, the water is wasted as there is little attempt to harvest and store it.

“We want schools, health centres, community and learning institutions to have water tanks to harvest rain water to foster water security,” Aburi said.

Masige East Ward MCA Kevin Aruasa delivered this message for her during the launch of a borehole project at Kiobegi Health Centre, who implored locals to own government funded activities and protect them for posterity.

Aburi has periodically stated that she wants to drill several boreholes across the county to enable residents access clean water as per her pledge during the last general election.

She said some schools in the county lack water and learners are forced to fetch water from far-flung rivers, wasting learning time.

Masige East Ward Representative Michael Motume lauded the MP for the initiative and appealed to residents to protect borehole against vandals.

The MCA, accompanied by nominated colleagues Dolvin Bwari, Celestine Mose and Edna Kwamboka, asked the lawmaker to drill more boreholes to benefit residents.

”We support projects funded by the government and other organizations for our own benefit,” Motume said.


KNUT tells striking JSS teachers they are being used by KUPPET

By Emmanuel Gwakoi

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