How to identify and deal with stress in school, work place

Doris Foxworth Odito

 As we journey into May, we pray to God for help to all of those who are experiencing extreme, suffering, deaths, property loss and hunger. May our lord have mercy on us. In May we celebrated our Labour Day, as well as Mental Health Awareness. As a continuation of dealing with stress, let’s just first of all agree that it’s almost impossible to avoid stress, at least to some degree, because we are experiencing constant changes in life, and it’s impossible to avoid many things thrown at us.

To be straight up with you, let’s face it, stress will always be a part of our lives. But maybe you identify with stress and when you get angry, others promoted over you, near accident, schools closed abruptly, like in the floods, among others. Please, I am by no means undermining the local and global impact that floods, wars, human trafficking, rapes and murders that are wreaking havoc on all of us, including our precious children. Therefore, it is important to discuss these current circumstances as a family and its impact on the family unit. We are indeed living in perilous times.

Thousands of students, parents and teachers, unfortunately, are experiencing all sorts of stress at this time of national disasters. At this moment in time, our schools have just reopened after floods causing damages. While there are very many suggestions that can help all of us cope with stress in a more positive way. I will share a few keys that will help you deal with stress.

Listed are 5 keys to managing school and workplace stress:

1. AVOID: Teacher Chichi lost her home and her two children drowned in the flood. The horror of all this is too much to bear. It was a situation beyond her control. There was no way she could have avoided the impending tragedy.

Solution: When the weather forecast announced the coming flood, teacher Chichi could have moved out of her home to a faraway relative’s place of safety. The drowning of her two children could have been avoided; but, teacher Chichi either was not aware of the weather forecast or completely ignored it. Her response to the tragedy was beyond stressful. She was overwhelmed with grief and shock.

Solution: Chichi needs immediate support to express her grief, despair and even anger. She is self-blaming. To deal with all that is happening she needs emotional support and a place to live as an immediate response. It’s not always easy to avoid tragedy; but, it helps to be aware of our environmental challenges.


School in Isiolo closed for five years to reopen on Monday

2.ADAPT: As a principal of secondary school, Kemmy was called and informed that the 3rd floor water pipes had busted. His greatest fear was the safety of the students, because and unfortunately, it was a sewer pipe. At this point, Kemmy had to adapt to a new procedure for the students safety and to avoid the spread of water borne diseases. Although extremely stressed, he swung into action to curb the impending disaster.

Solution: The absolute best solution was to have an emergency contingency plan for unexpected school emergencies. When a person adapts to their present situation they are better able to handle ever changing circumstances with much less stress.

3. ALTER: You have a cakeshop that is flourishing with business. Your cake orders are backed up for one week. If you don’t take quick action your stress response will “hit the roof”. You need an immediate response to a situation about to become unmanageable. What is your alternative? Can your plans be altered?

Solution: You can help your situation by altering the mindset that only you can handle the cake orders. Sometimes we can be selfish with under sight, that we are the only persons that can fulfill these late cake orders. This is very stressful indeed. A good alternative is to have a network of other cake shops, that is, 1 or 2 that can handle your backed up cake orders. You can request a small commission for offering your customers to them. To lessen your stress response, you should call your customers, explain the situation, and apologise to them. You will experience less stress and hopefully they will remain to be your loyal customers, all because you altered your train of thought.

4. ACCEPT: Oftentimes it is hard to accept the situations that we face and are beyond our control. Our worldview is now distorted and different. We are in a new mental space. So LET’s DEAL WITH IT! A great deal of the stress that we’ll face in life is caused by our own actions, or lack of actions. And, sometimes, the actions of others. To top it off, we do not accept the situation as it is, and try to move on.

“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can. And wisdom to know the difference,” The Serenity Prayer

For millions of people, it is more than stressful, and for some, almost impossible to accept the enormous financial hardship that we are currently facing. Even in the work place there are vicious silent wars to attain current positions, or climbing the ladder of success for the more lucrative jobs.

At this level of competition, stress levels are off the charts and some people decide that they

“just can’t take it anymore!” When someone is dealing with severe stress levels, it is a red flag to get help or make some lifestyle changes as well.

Solution: Unless a person takes a break from their regular stressful routines of life, the signs and symptoms of stress can cause enormous harm to the person’s mental and physical health. I will not take time to mention all of the signs and symptoms of stress; but, I will highly suggest that you must reach out for help. There are many counselors, pastors and friends that you can reach out to. I suggest that you do not suffer alone.

5. ACTIVE: If you’re truly stressed out, trust me; you will know it. So while this key suggests that you remain active, it implies that you be active, and proactive in taking your mental and physical health into your own hands. Take action on your health. Those headaches, overeating, depression, constant crying and lack of sleep, among other symptoms, can be managed. You can overcome all of this when you put yourself first. Yes, you must work, you must eat, you must hustle; but, you are most important. JUST DO YOU!

Solution: If you’re truly concerned about your stress level, one of the best things you can do is take an active step to confirm your stress level.

Below are 3 Stress Questionnaires that can give you an idea about your current stress level:

  1. Perceived stress Questionnaire (PSQ)

  1. Stress Assessment Questionnaire

  1. The student Stress Assessment

  1. “5 A’s to Help Manage Stress
  2. Kenya Helplines # 1190

By Doris Foxworth Odito

Doris Foxworth Odito is a Professional Counseling Psychologist, A Certified Health Educator and a Missionary

Doris holds workshops in schools

She can be reached at 0722-617 404

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