Exploration of engineering as a profession: What you need to know

Victor Ochieng'

Engineering is a course in the category of Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Engineers apply knowledge garnered from Mathematics and a Science such as Physics. Engineers go through in-depth training in pure and applied sciences. Careerpedia Volume 1 and 2 by Storymoja Publishers explores the different branches of engineering.

Firstly, there is the Civil Engineering, which deals in the construction of roads and bridges. Its sub-branches include: Structural engineering, environmental engineering, safety engineering, sanitary engineering, water resources engineering, transport engineering and geo-technical engineering.

Secondly, there is Mechanical or Auto-mobile Engineering, which deals in designing and making cars, power production machines and tools used by other engineers. Somewhat, without mechanical engineers, cars will not operate, factories will not produce and systems may not work seamlessly well. Major areas of specialisation in this category include: Industrial engineering, thermodynamics and applied engineering.

Thirdly, there is Electrical Engineering, which has four sub-branches: Electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control systems. This branch deals in the development and design; application and manufacture of systems and devices that use electric power and signals.

Furthermore, this branch deals in the electric power and machinery, electronic circuits, control systems, computer design, super-conductors, solid-state electronics, medical imaging systems, robotics, lasers, radar, consumer electronics and fibre optics.

Chemical Engineering is the next branch. It deals in the design, construction and management of factories in which chemical reactions dominate the process. Chemical engineers select and specify designs that meet particular requirements of production. Somewhat, chemical engineers organise unit operations in their correct sequence. As they consider the economic cost of the whole process.

Aeronautical or Aerospace Engineering is the last branch. In a heroic book titled Everyday Career Guide, John Thiong’o, a teacher at Alliance Girls’ High School posits: Aeronautical Engineering deals with the whole field of design, manufacture, maintenance, testing and use of aircrafts for both civilian and military process.

It explores knowledge of aerodynamics, structural design, propulsion engines, navigation, communication and other related ideas. Similarly, aerospace engineering is closely allied to aeronautics. It is about flight of locomotives in space, beyond the earth’s atmosphere. It encompasses study and development of rocket engines, artificial satellites and spacecraft for exploration of outer space.

The Essential Career Guide by KUCCPS explores the following emerging trends in engineering: Geo-spatial engineering, energy engineering, marine engineering, mining engineering, petroleum engineering and applied bio-engineering. High school students who yearn to pursue Engineering should know it is a highly competitive degree course.

Peak performance in KCSE (B+ and above) positions a student to secure the chance to pursue a degree course in engineering. Aspiring engineers must evince excellence in Mathematics and Physics, alongside other cluster requirements.

Engineers should hone skills such as accuracy, manual dexterity, creativity, ability to visualise in three dimensions (3D), problem-solving and digital literacy. Engineering practitioners join the World of Work as engineers, technicians, contractors and consultants. Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK) is a professional body that regulates engineers.

By Victor Ochieng’

The writer is a career coach. vochieng.90@gmail.com.

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