Why some schools in Homa Bay may not reopen

Homabay County Governor Gladys Wanga. Photo: Enock Okong'o

Some schools from Rachuonyo North in Homa Bay County might not open on Monday, May 13 because of many children whose families have been displaced by floods.

According to Homa Bay County Commissioner Moses Lelan, most of the affected families are sheltering in schools.

Also, roads and bridges leading to learning institutions have been destroyed and dismantled by the ongoing heavy downpours making it impossible to access schools.

Homabay County Commissioner Moses Lelan. Photo: Enock Okong’o

The Commissioner said that the main affected areas include Osodo and Chwowe which host sand harvesting activities that have paved way for severe bursting of river banks to flood homes, schools, churches and markets.

“We have suspended sand harvesting in this area indefinitely as we wrestle with floods to allow us release our children to schools,” he said.

The Commissioner ordered all his Chiefs and their assistants to arrest anyone who will be found mining and ferrying sand illegally and take them to the Courts.

He said that more than 1000 homes were affected by floods but assured that the relevant government agencies had been briefed on the matter and were committed to assist those in need.

He advised those whose homes were at the lower sides in the area to move to the higher grounds to avoid further flood effects.

Speaking to Education News, Homa Bay County Governor Gladys Wanga accused the National Government of dragging their legs in helping flood victims from the region.


Ministry of Education issues guidelines as schools reopen next Monday

“In other parts of the country, we hear of prompt response by the National Government to rescue her people through evacuation services and provision of relief food but when it comes to this region, the speed is reduced,” she said.

She asked for equitable services from the National Government to Homa Bay residents arguing that they deserve the services like any other tax payers.

The governor who was accompanied by several Homa Bay County Assembly members asked the CS for Education Ezekiel Machogu to visit the area and assess the damage by himself to allow him rethink on the opening and returning of pupils from the area to school next week.

The governor appealed to well-wishers from the public, private sector and individuals to visit the area and help the affected families.

Her appeal comes when President William Ruto said the National Government has put aside more than KSh1 billion to renovate the classrooms and other infrastructure in affected schools of this country.

Survey by Education News show that many damaged schools whose classrooms were damaged and pit latrines sunk as well as their roofs ripped off by the heavy rain in the county, had not been repaired by Thursday, May 9.

The delayed renovation of the learning facilities left many parents and teachers in confusion as schools reopen.

By Enock Okong’o.

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