County gives 21 scholarships to top students

By Godfrey Wamlwa

The County government of Busia will offer educational scholarships to 21 students from the county to pursue courses in Engineering, Medicine and Law.
County Chief Officer for Education and Vocational Training Joel Barua said three students from each of the seven sub counties will benefit from the pilot project to be rolled out this semester.
“This initiative is courtesy of the Governor Sospeter Ojaamong who wants the county to boast of many engineers, doctors and lawyers in the long run”, he said.
Barua also revealed that application for Busia Higher Education Loans for the Financial Year 2017-2018 is open for all university and tertiary college students.
” Students who wish to apply can visit the HELB website where they will update their profile information in the updated HELB website and upload the application forms. Those who want bursaries can apply through their Wards,” he said,
adding that the County has set aside Sh37 million and a further Sh1.1m being our balance still held by HELB.
Barua said the Education Committee will decide the recipients for scholarships, grants and bursaries, adding that the deadline for submitting application for HELB loan will close on Friday February 28th, 2018.
“Those in need of bursaries should approach the National Government because only early childhood education was devolved and that is what I want to concentrate”, Governor Wycliffe Oparanya said.

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