Govt urged to release hardship allowance for teachers in Taveta

Taveta MP John Bwire. He is asking the governments to pay Taveta teachers their hardship allowances.

The government has been urged to hasten the process of releasing hardship allowances for teachers in Taveta Constituency.

Speaking during a public meeting in Voi town recently, Taveta MP John Bwire said that teachers in the constituency have never received their allowances though the whole county has been declared as a hardship area.

He decried the delay in releasing the allowances, and further asked the Education Cabinet Secretary to intervene so that they can get it as quickly as possible and work comfortably.

The legislator stated that the teachers are currently undergoing unnecessary hardships for no apparent reason.

“The government should therefore revisit the issue of releasing the hardship allowances for teachers so as to ensure that they receive their dues without fail,” Bwire said.

He said failure to release the hardship allowance will demoralized teachers and curtail their efforts towards offering quality education.


KNUT wants TSC to post additional teachers to Narok County

By Tsozungu Kombe

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