School gets leaking roof repaired by wellwisher

Benjamin Nalwa delivering his promise to renovate the school.

The management of Friends Matsakha Primary School in Butali/Chegulo Ward are a happy lot after a sponsor came out to renovate their leaking staffroom.

Benjamin Nalwa offered to renovate the offices after several complaints from the teachers that books and other stationery were being destroyed by rain.

Nalwa, while meeting the Malava women consultative forum at the school grounds, heeded to the cries of the teachers by donating Ksh60,000 to purchase new iron sheets for the office.

Nalwa said education is key and teachers, just like pupils, need a conducive learning environment to produce good results.

He stressed that for learning to be enjoyed by the pupils, the infrastructure should be appealing and hence his move to repair the office was to give hope and motivation to the teachers.

He called on the parents to support school programmes by chipping in once in a while to assist the management, noting that government funding was not enough to cater for all the school needs.

Nalwa, who is also eyeing the Malava legislative position in 2027, said he would advocate for education policies if elected and urged the women to consider him for the seat when the right time comes.


MP erects lightning arrester at school to curb deadly threat

By Andanje Wakhungu

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