Teachers must be given slot in TSC, says Governor James Orengo

Siaya Governor James Orengo when he opened the annual Nyanza Regional KEPSHA Conference at the Siaya Institute of Technology, Wednesday April 10. Photo: James Orengo/Facebook

Siaya Governor James Orengo has asked Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to allocate a slot for a teacher who will be a representative in the commission to champion rights of instructors.

The Governor, who was speaking at the Siaya Institute of Technology, during the Kenya Primary School Head Teachers Association (KEPSHA) Nyanza region’s Annual General Meeting, on Wednesday April 10, was also categorical that the representative must be in active service.

“Never give up until there is not a retired teacher, but a teacher in-service sitting in the commission. Otherwise, wataendelea kusema hakuna pesa (they will continue to say there is no money),” he said adding that the teaching fraternity was a powerful force that cannot be ignored.


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Orengo who is also a Senior Counsel, insisted that TSC as a constitutional body needs to emulate how other commissions operate especially by having at least of one its member representing their group.

“Teachers should be TSC. In the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), practicing lawyers elect representatives. In the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC), Members of Parliament sit in that commission,” said Orengo.

The Governor further said that this must be done if the commission needs to serve the interests of those it was forced to look, adding that it is wrong to a TSC in the constitution but with no representation from the teachers.

The Senior Counsel, challenged the teachers to make use of their large numbers and support they have from Kenyans to make their dream alive of having a slot in the TSC in order to have their welfare catered for without bias.

He also called for the empowerment of teachers as a strategy to uplift the rural economy adding that in most cases teachers are forced to dig deep into their pockets to come to the aid of the less fortunate learners.

On March 15, 2024, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) warned that school programmes may soon grind to a halt owing to delayed disbursement of Free Primary Education and Free Secondary Education funds for this year.

On March 20, the National Assembly Minority Party leader, Opiyo Wandayi accused the Ministry of Education of “setting up” for failure principals and managers of schools.

By Brian Ndigo

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