Kajiado education performance falling, says report


The education standards in Kajiado County have been deteriorating despite concerted efforts aimed at increasing school enrollment.

This has been due to harsh and retrogressive cultural practices such as Female Genital Mutilation, early marriages and boys dropping out of school to become Morans. Such cultural practices persist to be formidable barriers especially in remote areas.

A recent report released by the Ministry of Education, revealed alarming statistics which put Kajiado County formal education at risk. For instance in the last year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams, less than 10 candidates from public schools in Magadi Sub-county, Kajiado West Constituency attained the minimum university entry of C+.

This has raised concerns from various individual and bodies who have asked the county administration to tackle the challenges surrounding formal education in the region.

During an Education Day hosted by Tata Chemicals on March 21, 2024 it was agreed that concerted efforts are needed to bolster formal education in the county. Highlighting the importance of equal education opportunities for all children, Indian High Commissioner to Kenya, Namgya Khampa emphasised the symbiotic relationship between India and Kenya in promoting formal education.

“Education remains a global equaliser. It requires concerted efforts from all education stakeholders to eradicate illiteracy in society,” she said.

Tata Chemicals CEO Suboth Srivastav asked parents to play a pivotal role in ensuring their children attain quality education.

“We began the Magadi Education Day, six years ago to evaluate and brainstorm on new fronts to promote education. The retrogressive culture practices have no place in the 21 century,” he said.

By Brian Ndigo

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