MP denies students bursary for failing to follow application rules

Kirinyaga central MP Gachoki Gitari celebrates with teaching fraternity of Kirimunge primary school that emerged the best overall school in the public schools category and the most improved school.

Kirinyaga Central MP Gachoki Gitari says there are some people who tried to defraud Kirinyaga Central NG-CDF bursary during the just concluded bursary application and issuance process.

The MP said during the vetting process, they realised that some people filled multiple application forms for the same students.

Those involved in the heinous actions were applying from different locations within the constituency to avoid being detected while others interchanged names to defraud the process.

“I want to confirm that all these applications were rejected and the applicants were not eligible to qualify in any way,” he said.

As a result, the MP called on his constituents to be vigilant of any person out to take undue advantage in future denying the needy the resources allocated to benefit them.

The application forms, he said, were distributed in all the 39 sub locations so as to ensure they are closer to the people and avoid a situation where people travel to cyber cafes in towns to print the forms.

In total, more than 15000 people applied for the bursary, the biggest number of applicants in comparison to previous years.

Gitari called on residents to stop taking their children in day schools outside the constituency and instead get admission in day schools within the area.

Mary Rose Muchira receives a trophy for the best performed school in the Mutura Education Zone during a Prize-Giving Day. Photo Caroline Wangechi.

Some parents take their children to day schools outside the constituency where they can’t travel on a daily basis which ends up inconveniencing the learners.

“This was evident from 15 application forms received from a day school in Kieni Constituency in Nyeri County,” he said.

“Such forms were not considered as no child can travel from Kerugoya to Kieni daily, tens of kilometers away.”

The MP emphasised his commitment to enhance development in the schools in the constituency saying some day schools are performing very well with students getting A grades.

“My humble request goes to the principals and management of the schools. Let’s continue adding value to our students by dedicating our prime time and our resources towards education for our students,” he said.

He spoke during the disbursement of bursary cheques at the NG-CDF grounds in Kerugoya town in Kirinyaga County Friday, March 8.

Bursary cheques totaling to KSh59.2 million were awarded to secondary schools, tertiary institutions and universities which he termed as the biggest amount ever given in Kirinyaga Central.

Day scholars got KSh5000 while boarders among them colleges and universities got KSh6000.

Phase one involved all day and boarding secondary schools which got KSh31 million, phase two comprised some boarding schools outside Kirinyaga Central, colleges and universities which got KSh28 million all totaling KSh59 million.

He called on schools to develop strategic plans which will guide the long term plans for the institutions in terms of infrastructure development, curriculum and extra-curricular activities in order to nurture the learners’ talents in all areas.

By Caroline Wangechi

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