Pools for secondary school term one games released

Hillcrest School hockey team in a past photo. Time table for term one games have been released by the KSSSA.

Pools of the secondary school term one games have been officially drawn and released by the Kenya Secondary School Sports Association (KSSSA) for nationals, together with the guidelines ahead of the championship in April in Machakos Boys and Girls High schools.

The pools for the championship, which will start on April 6, 2024 and end on April 14, 2024, will feature athletics, basketball 5 on 5, hockey, cross country, handball, rugby 15s (boys only) and swimming.

The Referees’ coordination Clinic will start on April 6, 2024 and end on April 8, 2024, with participating teams from various regions expected to arrive on April 7, 2024 ahead of the real action from April 9, 2024 to April 13, 2024.

Machakos Boys High School will host handball, basketball, rugby 15’s and swimming, at the same time accommodating male participants, while girls will be accommodated at Machakos Girls High School. Hockey will be played at Machakos Teachers College.

Kakamega High School and St Peters Mumias battle it out in a past championship. This year’s event promises to be as exciting as ever.

For 5×5 Basketball Girls, there are two pools; Pool A consisting of regional champions of Central, Western, Nairobi, and Nyanza and Pool B having Rift valley, Coast, North Eastern, and Eastern regional champions.

For boys, Pool A will have regional champions of Eastern,   Rift Valley, North Eastern and Nairobi while Pool B lists Nyanza, Central, Coast, and Western champions as contestants.

Lukenya School (white) in action against Mbooni High in a past regional competition. This year’s term one games will be hosted by Eastern region.

Other games include Handball:

Girls Pool A – Coast, Nairobi, Eastern, Western

Pool B – Nyanza, Rift Valley, Central, North Eastern

Boys: Pool A – Western, Nairobi, Central, North Eastern

Pool B – Nyanza, Coast, Eastern, and Rift Valley.

Hockey Girls: Pool A – Nyanza, Western, Nairobi

Pool B – Rift Valley, Coast, Central

Boys: Eastern 1, Coast, Nairobi, Nyanza

Pool B – Eastern 2, Rift Valley, Central, Western

Rugby 15’s Boys: Pool A – Regional champions from Eastern 1, Western, Rift Valley, Nyanza Pool B – Eastern 2, Coast, Nairobi, Central.

According to KSSSA Rugby 7’s, girls have now been fully incorporated and will be staged in term two alongside the boys’ championship.

This year’s cross country will strictly be for under 18s as Kenya is hosting the ISF World Cross Country Championship in Nairobi.

Selection will start from the sub-county level upwards and will consist of three categories of Under 18 – this very category for secondary schools, Under 15 for Junior School, and Under 12 for primary schools.

Qualifiers at the nationals will get direct entries into the International Schools’ Sports Federation (ISF) championship. The national championship will be held between May 10, 2024 and May 15, 2024 at Ngong Race Course in Nairobi.

By Education News reporter

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