Mixed secondary school in Kisii upgraded to county school status

Riotero Secondary School Principal Stephen Omache.

The Ministry of Education has upgraded Riotero Secondary School in Kitutu Chache South constituency, Kisii County to a county mixed day and boarding school.

Principal Stephen Omache lauded the move, saying that it has created a conducive learning environment and boosted the morale of teachers and students, in addition to increasing parents’ faith in the school.

He however stressed the need for the government to increase facilities and expand the school’s infrastructure including dormitories of either gender to cater for the increasing student population, which saw an influx since his arrival last year.

Omache noted that the school currently has a population of 703, with an entry of 213 Form 1 students this year.

“As much as we are pushing for excellent performance, we are experiencing some hiccups like the lack of library as we are currently using a book store,” he said.

The school posted a mean score of 5.0 in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations. In the previous year, it had recorded a score of 3.39 in 2022 prompting parents to stage protests, with calls for the transfer of the then Principal.

Omache said that they aim to post gradual improvements in the national examinations annually.

“We have improvised mechanisms to ensure great performance in this year’s KCSE results. We have decided to adopt zero tolerance to anything that will bring the school’s efforts to shine down,” he stated.

By Gilbert Kobi

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