Cardinal Otunga Mosocho to host 20 schools in sports tournament this weekend

Cardinal Otunga Mosocho football team during a training session.

Cardinal Otunga Mosocho High School is set to host more than 20 school teams in a friendly tournament that will feature Football, Handball, Rugby 15s, Basketball and Volleyball from February 10 to 11.

The school’s Head of Games department Obonyo Ombasa said that the tournament will mark the journey towards the revival of the championship after missing in action for 15 years.

“Our Chief Principal is passionate about the holistic development of learners, that is why he has supported the revival of this tournament,” he said.

Ombasa noted that the games will be held annually and participating teams will be required to pay Ksh3,000 to facilitate the activities.

Handball Coach Chrispos Anunda revealed that many schools including Kisii School, Agoro Sare, Nyamache and Kisumu have confirmed participation.

“We will use this tournament to gauge the standards of our teams,” he said.

Cardinal Otunga’s Handball Coach Chrispos Anunda.

Anunda also disclosed that the institution is set to revive other extra-curricular activities such as the school band, scouting and environment conservation clubs.

A section of Cardinal Otunga’s school band during a training session.

Kisii County Director of Education (CDE) Philip Chirchir lauded the school for its efforts to develop all-rounded students and urged other schools to emulate it.

Chirchir, who is an alumnus of the school, commended Principal Albert Ombiro for reviving both academic and sports spirit in the school.

The tournament in Cardinal Otunga is among several others initiated by secondary schools in the Nyanza region.

Early this month, Kisii School hosted more than 15 schools in an open tournament held to celebrate 90 years since its inception.

Agore Sare in Homa Bay county hosted a similar event last weekend, attracting a host of schools across Migori, Kisumu, Siaya, Kisii and Nyamira counties.

The series of friendly games is seen as preparation for the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association (KSSSA) games slated for the second term, later in the year.

By Enock Okong’o

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