TSC transfers primary school heads in West Pokot

Lilian Simatwa handing over to Christine Lotee at Tampalal Primary School. By Martin Ruto.

Former Tampalal Primary School Headteacher Lilian Simatwo has officially handed over the headship of the school to Christine Lotee after the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) transferred her to Kapsurum Primary School.

The handing over took place on Tuesday, January 6, at the school witnessed by Kishaunet zone CSO Elizabeth Mbayaji, West Pokot County Schools Auditor William Chepkonga and BoM Chair Benjamin Arumo.

Lotee arrives at the new station after heading Kapkoris Primary School.

The transfer is part of many which took place early this year in a move aimed at enhancing service delivery

Many of the Headteachers have already reported to their new stations while others are still doing so as they receive their letters.

Normally, the transfers are done in the beginning of the year to allow the teachers to get accustomed and plan school activities early enough.

By Our Reporter

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