Tharàka Nithi teachers condemn attack on colleague over poor KCSE performance

Tharaka Nithi County KNUT Executive Secretary Njoka Mutani speaking during the 31st Trans Nation Sacco AGM at DC's ground in Chuka town.

Teachers in Tharaka Nithi county have strongly condemned the attack on their colleague at Isongo Secondary School in Kakamega who was ousted by irate parents over claims of poor KCSE results.

The teachers now want the government to take stern action against the culprits involved in the shameless act of frog-matching the Principal to ensure such actions do not happen elsewhere in the country.

Led by the county’s KNUT Executive Secretary Njoka Mutani, they criticized the attack noting there are better ways of resolving such grievances.

Speaking at DC’s ground in Chuka town during the 31st Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Trans Nation Sacco, which is mainly composed of teachers, Mutani said that the parents should have used the right channels to address their grievances in a dignified manner.

Mutani urged the government to address the issue promptly because teachers were living in fear and they needed to be assured of their safety.

He called on parents to stop assaulting teachers noting that if the trend is allowed to continue, the education sector risks collapsing.

“We should set a conducive learning environment for all education stakeholders. We condemn the rogue act of frog-matching school heads. We laud the TSC for taking the right action because attacking and beating up teachers in schools is not acceptable and cannot be allowed to continue,”  said Mutani.

David Wafula of Isongo Secondary School in Kakamega was ambushed and attacked in his office before being frog-matched out of the school by irate parents days ago.

The parents reportedly blamed the teacher for poor exam performance saying that in the 2023 KCSE examinations, 173 out of 179 students scored D minus while 4 scored grade E.

By John Majau

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