KUPPET appeals to Ruto to intervene on teachers re-posted to Mandera

KUPPET Narok Branch Executive Secretary, Charles Ng'eno

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has now asked President William Ruto to intervene to ensure the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) re-posts teachers to safer places in Mandera.

KUPPET Narok Executive Secretary Charles Ng’eno told Education News yesterday that the President now has a responsibility of upholding the Kenyan Constitution which states that every Kenyan has a right to life and security.

He stated that the reason why the tutors in North Eastern deserted duty was mainly due to insecurity,  which TSC has not taken into consideration in disciplining the educators.

“There are these educators who were interdicted in North Eastern for desertion of duty.  Now TSC is taking them back to Mandera. It means that their reasons for desertion had not taken into account and we have had teachers who have been killed in North Eastern.

” We are asking the President to uphold the Constitution of the Republic of Kenya and ensure that if the educators have said they are not safe in Mandera, then let them be posted to areas where they’re safe,” said Ng’eno.

According to unionist, the President should further reserve positions for local tutors to be recruited in the region so that the issue of non-local teachers being deployed in the region and later being punished can be dealt with once and for all.

The Employment and Labour Relations Court in Nairobi in a petition presented by the teachers through Kenya Teachers in Hardship and Arid Areas Welfare Association (KETHAWA) recently stopped the re-posting of these teachers until the case is heard and determined.

– By Roy Hezron

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