Kanduyi MP launches sports competition to engage students, tap talents

Kanduyi MP John Makali speaks during the aunch of the tournament.

Kanduyi Member of Parliament (MP) John Makali has launched a sports tournament to identify, tap and nurture sports talents among students.

Speaking at Lwanda Primary School on Sunday during the launch of the tournament, Makali said that the constituency NG-CDF has allocated Ksh3 million towards the tournament as they seek partners and sponsors to chip in.

The MP noted that there will be football, handball, cycling and athletics competitions adding that the tourney is targeting learners in all Wards who are home for the December holidays.

“This talent search majorly targets school children who are at home for the Christmas holiday to curb rising cases of teenage pregnancy and HIV/AIDs infections by keeping them busy. The games will take place in all the 8 Wards where winners at the level will participate in the finals on January 1, 2024,” he said.

Tuuti/Marakaru MCA Joseph Nyongesa lauded the MP for launching the tournament saying that it will keep students busy and prevent them from engaging in wayward activities.

Nyongesa called on the referees to maintain fairness and neutrality during the games.

Also in attendance was National Youth Council Chairperson Sophie Nekoye.

By Tony Wafula

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