Two MCAs bail out 500 boys unable to pay circumcision fees in Bobasi

A section of the 500 boys whose parents could not raise the circumcision fees and two MCAs came to their rescue.

Two MCAs Jacob Bagaka and Michael Mutume have bailed out parents of 500 boys in Bobasi Constituency after they were unable to pay the bills accruing from the rite of circumcision they had undergone.

The MCAs had taken the forefront in ensuring the boys went through the traditional rite.

Aged between five and twelve, they braved the four week agony and were released to their parents after a traditional ceremony at Nyabisia playground.

But before going home, Ksh3000 was demanded, and were about to be detained at Kiobegi Secondary when the MCAs came to their rescue.

Both Bagaka and Mutume emphasized the economic challenges faced by parents in meeting the high costs of circumcision, considering it as a rite that is increasingly becoming a luxury.

They called for government intervention to make the circumcision exercise free for all.

Mutume expressed concern over the neglect of the boy child, stating that initiatives often focus more on the girl child, leaving boys economically and socially drained.

He urged men to stand together, support one another, and empower the boy child.

Kisii Governor Simba Arati commended the MCAs for their initiative and pledged future support.

He also urged unity in the community’s fight against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), emphasizing the importance of parents instilling good morals in their children for proper upbringing.

Governor Arati specifically called for the protection of school-going girls to ensure they have access to education without the hindrance of early pregnancies.

He warned against men engaging in relationships with underage girls, stating that the law will catch up with them.

Arati’s strong stance against early pregnancies aligns with his ongoing efforts to address this issue across the region.

By Elizabeth Angira

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