County Commissioner urges flood victims protect children

Taita Taveta County Commissioner, Josephine Onunga speaking on Tuesday while distributing relief food to the affected families in Voi

Taita Taveta County Commissioner, Josephine Onunga, has issued a plea to flood victims in the region to safeguard children in rescue centers.

The call follows the displacement of 420 families by floods in Voi on Monday, with affected families seeking refuge in Voi primary, Msambweni, and Ikanga rescue camps.

Onunga urged these families to uphold moral standards, particularly in protecting children, as both county and national governments work to provide ongoing support.

During the distribution of relief food to affected families in Voi on Tuesday, Onunga commended the swift response of the County government and the Kenya Red Cross in evacuating residents and ensuring their relocation to safer shelters amidst ongoing El Niño rains.

She assured the victims of continued security during this challenging period until the rains subside.

Taita Taveta County has grappled with El Niño rains and floods for the past three weeks, resulting in six reported fatalities.

All four Sub-counties—Taveta, Wundanyi, Mwatate, and Voi—have felt the impact of the adverse weather conditions.

The Commissioner, accompanied by Taita Taveta County Deputy Governor Christine Kilalo and security teams, toured the affected areas in Voi, acknowledging the severity of the situation.

Onunga emphasized the need to provide special attention and relief support, including food and bedding, to the affected residents.

While no casualties were reported from Monday’s floods, a significant number of affected individuals lost their homes.

Onunga underscored the urgency in supporting these families with immediate relief, directing them towards safer areas to prevent future occurrences.

Taita Taveta County Deputy Governor Kilalo lauded the county’s emergency response team and Kenya Red Cross for their prompt actions in ensuring resident safety.

Kilalo reiterated the county’s commitment to providing ongoing support, including food and basic necessities, until normalcy is restored.

She urged affected families to prioritize the safety of children and encouraged prompt medical attention for any health issues at County health facilities.

Kilalo also emphasized the responsibility of citizens to maintain waterways near their residences to mitigate flood risks.

In a demonstration of support, 750 bags of rice and 540 bags of beans were distributed as relief food to the affected families in Taita Taveta County.

The leaders called upon residents to collaborate in ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens during this challenging period.

By Michael Oduor

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