Sex predators targeting kids this season warned to desist or face law

L-R:Western region police commander Kiprono Langat,his Kakakamega county counter part Joseph Kigen and Kakamega North sub county commander Paul Nkanatha Mwendwa shares a light moment at Kabras police station.

Sexual predators targeting school-going children this festive season have been warned to desist or face the full force of the law.

The Western Region Police Commander Kiprono Langat issued delivered this warning at Kabras Police Station, where he convened with sub-county police officers from Navakholo, Matete, and Malava sub-counties to enhance security measures during the ongoing long holiday.

Langat emphasized the need for parents to take full responsibility for their children’s safety by monitoring their activities closely.

He highlighted the heightened risk during the festive season, marked by numerous parties and ceremonies where unattended young girls may be lured into environments featuring alcohol and substance abuse, making them susceptible to abuse.

“That is why we are issuing a warning to parents and our security teams to be vigilant and apprehend suspects,” warned Langat.

He called upon parents and local administrations not to settle cases of sexual abuse through informal agreements outside the court system.

Langat stressed that such resolutions do not provide justice for the victims, leaving them traumatized as their assailants walk free.

He also issued a stern warning to clubs and bars that allow school-going children to consume alcoholic drinks and substances, cautioning that they would be held accountable by the rule of law if caught.

Addressing the rise in crimes involving young individuals, including break-ins and thefts of property and livestock, Langat cautioned the youth to desist from criminal activities.

He assured swift and decisive government action against those engaged in criminal behaviour.

The commander called on local administrations to collaborate closely with the security team in disseminating information about criminal activities within their localities.

In conclusion, Langat underscored the importance of collective efforts in maintaining a secure environment during the holiday season.

By Andanje Wakhungu

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