Baringo boy passes KCPE despite family hardships

Meshack Bowen Sang

A KCPE candidate Meshack Bowen Sang has performed greatly in KCPE 2023 despite family hardships.

Born in 2009 in Sosion, Kimain Village, Baringo County, Bowen faced adversity from an early age due to the frequent domestic violence between his parents.

His father’s struggle with alcoholism led to job abandonment, leaving his mother to bear the brunt of a challenging home life.

Unable to cope, she left Bowen with his paternal grandparents, who, living in a remote area, struggled to provide even the basic necessities.

Meshack Bowen Sang with family members

Fortunately, his aunt, employed at Kapenguria Referral Hospital, intervened and brought him to live in Bendera, Kapenguria, West Pokot County.

Enrolling at AIC Bendera Academy, Bowen delved into his studies, determined to rise above his difficult past.

Despite the hardships, his academic journey saw a consistent improvement, culminating in his success in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

By Martin Ruto

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