100 girls in Nyamira shun FGM, graduate from alternative rite of passage

FGM is recognized globally as a violation of the rights of women. Photo Courtesy

100 girls who completed a one-week alternative passage course in Kemera Ward, Nyamira instead of FGM.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Verah Moraa, representing International Solidarity, urged residents to adopt alternative rites of passage, condemning the harmful practice.

“Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) continues to hinder the educational progress of girls in the county.,” she lamented.

Moraa highlighted the health risks associated with FGM, such as the spread of diseases like Gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS due to the use of unsterilized blades.

She additionally emphasized the urgent need for community-wide opposition to this antiquated practice, citing its detrimental impact on intellectual development.

Gladys Abai from Manga Hearts of Hope Foundation International supported Moraa’s stance, revealing a 75 percent FGM rate in the county, partly attributed to complicit nurses.

Abai further urged fathers to report illegal practices for legal intervention.

By Enock Okong’o

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