Promotion interviews of 36, 053 to start on Dec 4

TSC teachers
TSC CEO, Dr. Nancy Macharia

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will conduct the promotional interviews to fill the 36,053 vacancies that were advertised in August this year in three phases starting December 4, 2023, after completion of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams.

The invitation letters for the promotional interviews for all those teachers who were shortlisted were sent on October 30, 2023, with the candidates being required to present valid Chapter 6 documents before they are appointed.

The Commission advertised the positions in August few days after promoting 14,000 teachers, with interested teachers being given up to August 28, 2023 to submit their applications online.

Phase I

The first phase of the promotional interviews will be conducted at the sub-county level and will target promotional Grades C1 to C5 in primary schools, which will start from December 4-15, 2023.

These positions include Headteacher in regular primary schools and Special Needs Primary School at T-Scale 10, where a total of 1,049 and 30 positions are up for grab respectively.

1,930 positions will be filled for Deputy Headteacher II in regular primary schools T-scale 9.

For Senior Teacher I in regular primary schools and SNE primary schools T-scale 8, the Commission targets to fill a total of 3,040 and 346 positions respectively.

Senior Teacher II in both regular and SNE primary schools at T-scale 7 will have a total of 10,819 and 700 posts respectively being filled.

Phase II

The second phase of the interviews will target post-primary teachers who are seeking promotions in grades C3 to D1, which will be done at the county level from January 4-16, 2024.

These include teachers who are seeking promotions to Deputy Principal III in regular secondary schools at T-scale 11, where a total of 1,014 positions will be filled, and Senior Master III in regular secondary schools with 1,137 vacant positions.

For Senior Lecturer IV in Teacher Training colleges (TTCs) at T-scale 9, the Commission advertised 216 positions, while Senior Master IV in regular secondary schools at T-scale 9 carries a whopping 12,576 positions.

Secondary Teacher I in regular secondary schools T-scale 8 has only 1,918 positions advertised.

Phase III

The third phase of the promotional interviews will involve post-primary administrators who will be seeking promotions in grades D2 to D5, which will be conducted at regional levels from February 4-16, 2024.

The positions that will be filled are 34 of Chief Principal in regular secondary schools at T-scale 15, and 103 for Senior Principal at T-scale 14.

Position of Principal at T-scale 13 will also be filled by 541 applicants, while Deputy Principal II at T-scale 12 will have 528 vacancies up for grabs.

Finally, Senior Lecturer I at T-scale 12 with 72 vacancies will be filled.

TSC had earlier announced that it would spend Ksh2.2 billion to promote teachers at the end of this year.

Teachers’ unions have hailed the Commission for the planned promotion of teachers who had stagnated for years.

Vihiga County KUPPET Secretary, Sabala Inyeni, has welcomed the decision and urged the teachers’ employer to embrace fairness while conducting the promotion interviews.

He said he was happy that this time round the Commission had considered the plight of the majority of teachers, especially in job groups  C3, C4, and C5.

By our reporter

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