CBET will give Kenyans competitive advantage globally, Muoria says

TVET PS Dr. Esther Muoria at a recent meeting in her office. Photo Courtesy.

The Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum will improve the competitiveness of Kenyans in the regional and international markets, State Department for Vocational and Technical Education PS Dr. Esther Muoria has said.

In a speech read on her behalf by deputy director in charge of policy at the TVET directorate Frank Mukuna, Muoria said theory-based training has been replaced by higher industry-based training for enhanced hands on skills.

“A robust curriculum reform has been initiated through implementation of CBETs. To this end I am impressed that Bureti National Polytechnic has embraced CBETS courses,” the speech read at the inaugural graduation of the newly elevated Bureti National Polytechnic in Buret, Kericho County, said.

The PS said the State department was also partnering with development partners in the implementation of the dual training system to ensure that TVET institutions train in, by and for the industry.

“Dual training will equip our students with hands on skills for the labour market and ultimately expand their employment opportunities both locally and internationally,” she said.

She revealed that currently the State department is partnering with the government in the construction of affordable housing units, County Aggregated Industrial Parks (CAIP), and roads.

“These projects are doubling up as training grounds for our students and also our institutions have an opportunity to supply products to the projects, which will earn some income. These projects will at the same time act as a ground for RPL certification,” she added.

In the spirit of globalization, the PS said the department was in the process of exploring collaborations with different international partners for employment of local graduands.

The graduands were advised to learn at least one foreign language, especially German, French and Mandarin, to open up opportunities for employment.

By Benedict Ng’etich

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