Dealing with lapses as schools prepare for national exams


It is third term, the homestretch for KCSE/KCPE candidates. These are some of the mistakes schools make at this point in time and how they can be remedied:

  1. Planning to cheat

Schools err when they stop working hard and begin preparing to cheat. Likewise, candidates goof when they choose to think about how to access KCSE leakage. Yet, lack of exam integrity is a mistake that can plunge the whole centre in a storm.

To avoid this, adequate preparation will mute the psychological disposition to cheat.

  1. Comfort zones

After completion of syllabus, teachers and students should not down their tools and say they are done and dusted.

On the other hand, and equally dangerous, teachers pile plenty of pressure on candidates. Candidates wake up early and sleep late. They sit for long listening to academic talks delivered by guest speakers. There are a lot of tests and trials. Programmes are intensive and extensive.

All these can invite both body and mental fatigue. A balanced approach to study and play is important in averting this.

  1. Steaming off

In the process of preparing for KCSE, some schools avoid steaming off sessions and games. Yet there is need to come up with creative ways of helping candidates get rid of academic pressures that pile up.

As schools pile pressure on candidates to reach peak performance, it is advisable to explore strategies that can help them steady their nerves, manage stress, overcome fear and be in good shape both mentally and physically.

Psychologists say that for the sake of wellness, we should allot at least 20 minutes three times a week, to physical exercises that allow blood to circulate freely. When we deny them these, they become irrational and irritable.

  1. Asking for free time

Consequently, as pressure mounts, candidates clamour for free time. When it is not given, they decide to skip lessons, revision programmes, exams and academic talks and career counselling.

That is the beginning of the downward spiral. Candidates need strict supervision through it all up to the last minute.

  1. Refusing to follow rules

When things go overboard, a major mistake by candidates is choosing the path of indiscipline. Defiance of authority, disobedience, sleeping in class, refusing to do tests, cheating, leaving blank spaces in answer sheets, abusing drugs, wearing wrong school uniform, having unacceptable hair styles, use of vulgar or obscene language, vandalizing school property, boycotting classes, refusing to perform duties, theft, assault, incitement, organizing or participating in strikes and sexual promiscuity are some of the red flags when indiscipline sets in.

When it happens, the guiding and counseling department has to swing into action before things get out of hand.

  1. Toying with content mastery

Again, candidates go wrong when they toy with the idea of content mastery. After syllabus coverage, it is important to embark on thorough revision. Candidates should focus on cyclic reading of notes and core-course books right from Form One. They should engage in avid reading of KCSE set texts to avoid textual and factual errors.

  1. Guest speakers

Furthermore, schools make mistakes when they invite examiners who do not focus on quality work. Schools should only invite the finest as value-addition is key. Such academic programmes should not feature for the sake of formality, money-minting or passing time.

  1. Surrender

Succumbing to despair comes after a series of failure in exams. Yet, through several trials, every candidate can repair any form of despair. This justifies the palpable presence of spiritual, inspirational and motivational programmes in the schools.

  1. Keeping God out of the equation

Based on what can work well, schools should settle on inspiring prayer sessions for the candidate class for peak performance. Prayer works when we also work.

© Victor Ochieng’

The writer rolls out academic, career, and leadership talks and training services.

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