Deaf people want health workers trained in sign language

Deaf people in awareness walk during the International Awareness Week for the Deaf. File Photo

People living want the government to train health workers in sign language so that they can access hospital services like all other Kenyans.

They decried marginalization by the government through what they say is denial of crucial reproductive health services because there are no interpreters in health facilities.

Speaking during a sensitization walk in Embu town, they said it was unfortunate that they could not access services in hospitals because the government has ignored their call to have interpreters there.

Charles Kinyua, who led them in a peaceful procession, said many health care workers cannot use sign language, effectively shutting the deaf out of their constitutional right to proper health information.

“Sexual reproductive health for the young deaf people has been ignored in terms of targeting. We are here to encourage both the county and national governments to consider the deaf people in hospitals and enable them get information the right information,” he said.

He noted that many have been holding back due to communication barriers, which has subjected them to untold suffering.

They further revealed that they suffer more in case of defilement or rape because they cannot be understood when reporting the matter to the police.

Further, they urged the county government to also consider involving deaf people in the County Integrated Development Plan so that they can have their issues included.

Collins Ocholla said as the deaf community, they were being discriminated against and pointed out the need to train nurses in sign language to make their lives better.

“Some issues are confidential and when we visit hospitals with hired interpreters, we cannot explain ourselves well. If the nurses and health workers have knowledge of sign language, we will be able to get help,” he said.

Brenda Mugonyi urged the government to take the affairs of deaf people seriously and stop the suffering they have been going through.

Brian Kaleti

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