Location of proposed Baringo University fuels leadership wrangles in county

Baringo South MP at a past function

The location of the proposed Baringo University has fueled political rivalry between Baringo South MP Charles Kamuren and Woman Representative Florence Jematia.

Kamuren insists that the varsity must be located in Baringo South constituency or there will be no university at all.

On the other hand, Jematia argues that Moi TTC Seretunin, located in Baringo Central, should be elevated to a university.

The battle for the proposed location of Baringo County University is not new.

Initially, former Baringo Central MP, Sammy Mwaita and former Senator Gideon Moi clashed severally on the appropriate site to establish the slated higher learning institution.

While Mwaita vouched for the elevation of Baringo Technical College to host the University, Moi was for Chemeron in Baringo South.

Baringo Technical College has since been elevated to a National Poly.

Under the new wave of rivalry, Kamuren is rooting for Chemeron while Jematia is pushing for the establishment of the University at Serutunin in Baringo Central where Baringo Technical Training College is based.

She is calling for the elevation of the college into a University.

Last year, Baringo County Government under the stewardship of Governor Benjamin Cheboi, launched a taskforce team to look into the suitable location of the proposed University.

This team, led by Moi University lecturer Prof. Daniel Chebutuk Rotich is yet to release its report.

Some sections of the public have also called on the leaders to consider Kipkoro in Baringo Central where KVDA and local residents have offered land to establish a National institution.

A university or a technical training institute is touted as the viable option in the minds of the residents.

By our reporter

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