TVET PS presides over Sigalagala Poly graduation, roots for CBET curriculum

Cake cutting during Sigalagala graduation ceremony

TVET PS Dr Esther Muoria has reiterated the need for TVET institutions to embrace Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum.

Speaking during the 4th graduation ceremony of Sigalagala National Polytechnic, the PS stated that CBET seeks to re-orient students from theory based training to higher industry based training for enhanced skills.

She stated that CBET will help improve the competitiveness of Kenyans in the regional and international market and lauded the polytechnic for embracing CBET courses in all departments.

Sigalagala graduands

“The government in collaboration with various partners has embarked on different mechanisms to empower the TVET sub- sector, the most recent being the adoption of the new funding model which will ensure equity and access to TVET courses by all learners,” she revealed.

Dr Thaara congratulated the 2,236 graduands and lauded the Polytechnic for the strides it has made since its inception.

By Hilda Atika

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