Why teachers have to evaluate what they say to candidates

Victor Ochieng

As candidates prepare for final exams, it is prudent to know that what we are telling them can either make or break their future. Ideally, wise use of words can inspire them to garner good grades. Conversely, careless speech can jinx them and beckon poor performance.

Therefore, even when they annoy us as teachers, we should apply our emotional intelligence. We should not be quick to tell them how they will amount to nothing in life. Some students make mistakes just because they are children prone to chiding.

In the whole scheme of things, words we utter as teachers have a great impact on learners. Meaning, every teacher should strive to tame the tongue.

The way we label learners and classes have a great impact on learning outcomes.

Ideally, positive expectation of teachers towards learners entices peak performance. Done on a positive note, when teachers expected more from a section of students, they reciprocate by expecting more from themselves.

In some schools we celebrate as veritable academic giants, teachers expect a lot from learners. Again, teachers know how to communicate every bit of it. They guide top achievers, award those who improve, and encourage struggling students.

We must always be careful what we utter as candidates can be encouraged or crushed with our words in equal measure.

The writer rolls out academic, career, leadership; talks and training services. He trains teachers on Best Academic Practices.

© Victor Ochieng’

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