Kakamega students urged to develop sports talent, shun idleness

Manda Shivanga MCA David Kivishi (right), MCA Geoffrey Sikolia and MCA David Ndakwa (left) pose for a group photo with one of the teams.

Kakamega Members of County Assembly (MCAs) have called on students to use their free time nurturing their sports talent instead of idling and participating in vices that will eventually destroy their future.

Speaking while addressing students and residents during the launch of the Manda Shivanga ward Super Cup sponsored by the area MCA David Iraya Kivishi, Leader of Minority in the County Assembly and West Kabras MCA David Ndakwa said that he will ensure that at least 4 young players from the ward join top soccer clubs in the country.

Ndakwa reckoned that there was still a lot of sports talent to be tapped from the grassroots level.

“We can only identify and support these young talents through organizing such activities. As leaders, we are mandated to help them to achieve their dreams and watch them on the TV competing and winning gold medals,” the MCA said.

He noted that this was Kivishi’s fifth tournament and that this time round, they had introduced the women, youth and school-going children categories to showcase their talents in various games.

Ndakwa lauded the MCA and said that he will launch a similar tourney that will see his ward square out with Kivishi’s ward in the finals on December 31, 2023.

Kivishi said that through sports they were also keeping the youngsters away from drugs and substance abuse, teenage pregnancies and other ills.

He also called on parents to be at the frontline in instilling discipline in their children and not abdicate the responsibility to teachers and society.

His Chemuche ward counterpart Geoffrey Sikolia said that the initiative was a safety net for the youth as white collar jobs were shrinking daily while the youth population was growing at an alarming rate.

“I have also come around to benchmark how my colleague has organized this tournament so that I can see how to launch mine in due course,” he said.

Sikolia said that sports have the potential to create employment and lauded Kivishi for organizing the event.

The tournament has attracted over 30 teams and will see the winners being awarded trophies and cash prizes among other awards.

By Andanje Wakhungu



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