Matete, Lugari KESSHA leaders want mock exams back to schools

Lugari MP Nabii Nabwera (R) shakes hands with Principal Kivaywa school Bernard Wamanga as other officials looks on. /Photo By Andanje Wakhungu.

The Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) Matete Sub-County chairman Enock Keya and his Lugari counterpart Mr. David Makokha have called on the Ministry of Education through the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) to lift the ban on mock examinations to allow schools and candidates to gauge their performance.

The two principals have expressed concerns over the dwindling academic standards in the country saying it was due to lack of gauging after the state put a stop to mock exams.

The two said it was time the ministry reintroduced the mock exams to assist schools in knowing their true performance both at the sub-county and national levels.

“We think it is time for the Ministry to consider lifting the ban on mock exams to give way for testing as this helps sharpen and give our candidates an overall overview of how they are performing.” Said Keya

They were speaking during the Lugari constituency joint 2nd village top candidates creaming programme

“It is time we thought about bringing the mock tests back to our schools as it was through such tests that we were able to gauge, know and assist our candidates in preparation ahead of the national examination,” said Makokha.

He lauded the Mp for releasing Ksh. 3.5 Million towards the training programme and revealed that a lot of time and resources has been put its success.

Mentorship education
Some of the top students who attended the mentorship training program/ Photo By Andanje Wakhungu

Lugari Mp Nabii Nabwera is sponsoring the top candidates from schools drawn from his constituency in what has been dubbed, ‘The second village creaming programme’ where a total of 600 top candidates assembled at Friends school Kivaywa and Arch Bishop Njenga girls respectively for the academic mentorship workshop on how best they can attain quality grades.

Addressing student teachers and members of the county assembly during the launch, the MP who was the chief guest said education was the only tool for overcoming the future challenges.

“You have everything to achieve through education and that is why we are here to assist you excel in the coming national examination” He said

Hon. Nabwera who has injected Ksh. 3.5 million into the programme assured the students that he was ready to pay fees to all the top performers who will manage to attain quality grades of (A and A-).

Already he has taken it upon himself to sponsor 2022 top sub-county student Collins Ndege who scored an A- of 75 points by paying for his Egerton University education.

The Lugari constituency academic advisory committee chairman Dr. Jaluo Murunga acknowledged the efforts the MP was putting in place to steer education to the next level.

asked the candidates to focus on their target grades as it was the most important issue at hand.
Others who attended the event are Chekalini MCA Titus Kwoma, Lumakanda MCA Bernard Wanyonyi, Chevaywa Mca Balex Pius, and the host Kivaywa School Principal Bernard Wamanga among others.

The two Sub-County Directors from both Matete and Lugari were not present with apologies.
They were however represented by Nyongesa Wanjala who pointed out that the training should be done in line with the policies and directives of the commission.

By Andanje Wakhungu

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