National assembly speaker pledges his support for education in Bungoma  

Wetangula funds drive education

The  Speaker  of  the  National  Assembly Moses Masika Wetang’ula  has  reiterated  his  commitment  to supporting  Vulnerable children  in  pursuit of  their  Education Dreams  in  Bungoma County  and  Kenya at  Large.

Speaking at  Friend’s  School Misikhu  Boys  Secondary School  in  Webuye West  Constituency during  a funds  drive  for Misikhu  Ward  children education Wetang’ula  noted  that currently  the  funds disbursed  in  terms of Bursaries  cum were  not enough  to  cater for  all  children’s needs  and hence  the  need  for  more resources mobilization.

He said that  his  office will  ensure  that it  partners  with Bungoma  county government under governor Ken  Lusaka, to  provide financing  for  the bright  children  from humble  Backgrounds.

The speaker said he had already initiated talks  with Interior  Cabinet  Secretary for  plans  to open  an  Immigration office  in  Bungoma county  to  assist parents  who  want their children  to  pursue further  studies  in foreign countries.

On  their  part  MCA Millie Masungo and  Bungoma  county Kenya  secondary  schools Heads  Association (KESSHA) Chairman Situma  Bikala  hinted that  the  programme Kickstarted officially  in  April this  year with a total  of Kshs  400,00  to assist  students  who are at  risk  of dropping  out  of school  due  to lack of  Fees.

Also present  was  Bungoma county  Women  Representative Catherine  Wambilianga and  Sitikho  ward MCA Grace  Sundukwa  who said there was a need  for leaders  to continue coming  up with  policies which  can protect  the  Boy Child who  is  at more  Risk  in  the  current  society with  factors  such as drugs  and  Substance Abuse.

A  total  of Kshs  1,627,000  was    raised during  the  funds drive  with  Wetangula giving  out  a half a  million   Shillings.

By Achola Bulimo Mathews    

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