Non-local teachers stranded in Mandera over PSV ban

Though the August holidays are ongoing many teachers in Mandera are stranded since the government banned non-locals from using PSV road transport due to insecurity.

‘’ This being, the case and since the government didn’t provide an alternative transport, fares have skyrocketed, many non-local including teachers haven’t traveled to their respective homes to see their families,’’ said David Karimi a teacher

They have called on the government to open the routes that were closed due to al-Shabaab insecurity threats.

Adding insult to injury, since the airfares for the 1 hour 30 minutes 806.29 km flight from Mandera to Nairobi has more than doubled to Sh 25, 000/ – from Sh 10, 000 many non-locals cannot afford to take a flight.

The road transport for the nine-hour long 1011 Km by road is Sh 5, 000/=.

Jafan Kituyi, a teacher at Al Huda primary school in Mandera East lamented that he hasn’t travelled home for the last two years due to insecure roads and costly flight fares.

A worried  Kituyi  noted, ‘’ Since we are mostly hustlers, who cannot afford the flight and dare take risks in travelling by private road means,  I appeal to the security CS Prof Kithure Kindiki and CS Murkomem to chip in.’’ He appealed

The main roads leading out of Mandera to other parts of the country have remained closed since 2014 following attacks that left 64 people dead, among them 28 teachers killed in a bus along Mandera Arabia road.

Other non-locals butchered by impacts of terror attacks over a decade since 2014 include 36 miners killed in cold blood in a Mandera quarry.

Following the closure of main exit roads, vehicles rerouted to a meandering long-distance Mandera-Rhamu-Elwak rough road which makes transport very expensive.

The non-locals re-routed to Mandera –Rhamu, Banisa –Takaba to Moyale to Nairobi.

For about two years non-locals’ used this route before marauding al-Shabaab suspects raided, making it unsafe.

The latest attack was on 20th June when a land mine hit a police Land cruiser killing two police officers.

The police were escorting the Moyale Liners bus, which was ferrying many non-locals.

Non-locals say they need Sh20, 000 to travel to and fro Mandera on a journey where one has to spend a night or two before reaching Nairobi.

Mandera County Commissioner Amos Mariba has promised that the government will provide appropriate escort services to non-locals wishing to travel out of Mandera.

By Amoto Ndiewo

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