TVET college where students spend more time in industry, less in class

By Tindi Kuchio

Nairobi Technical Training Institute has rolled out a new model of training christened ‘duo’, where trainees alternate theory in the lecture rooms and a subsequent practical training in the industry to enable them get the much-needed hands-on experience, skills and exposure to work environment.

The model, originally formulated in September 2020, is a ‘cooperative vocational training strategy that allows for 50 percent learning in the institution and 50 percent practical training in the relevant field.

Speaking to Education News in her office, the institution’s Chief Principal Glory Mutungi revealed that the new approach to training was part of the far- reaching reforms that have been introduced by the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training in Kenya in collaboration with GIZ  (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), translated as German Society for International Cooperation.

She confirmed that the first and second cohorts under the new model at the institution were students pursuing Automotive- Mechatronics Engineering.

Glory Mutungi, Nairobi TTI Chief Principal

Some of the industries where trainees from the institution have proceeded for practical training include; DT Dobie, Stantech Motors Ltd and Simba Corporation Ltd (Mitsubishi). Others are Farmers Choice Garage in Ruiru, Top Quality Motors Ltd, Daivin Auto Garage Ltd and Capwell Industries Ltd, CMC Motors and Plateau Motors along Mombasa Road. Plans are underway to bring more industries on board.

The chief principal hailed the new model saying it would address the existing gaps between the training offered in TVET institutions and the skills required in the industry.

She revealed that the Development Bank of the German Federal Government intends to fund the construction of an Automotive-Mechatronics Complex at Nairobi TTI.

The Complex will comprise various sections such as Fundamental Electric & Electronics, Metal Working, E-learning, Petrol Engine, Diesel Engine, Future Engines, Hybrid Engines and  High Voltage Battery.

Other sub-sections will include a transmission and axle room, two changing rooms, trainers’ room, meeting room, four lecture rooms and an office for the departmental head.

There will also be units specializing in vehicle diagnostics, alignment, wheel balancing and tyre repair, and a fully-fledged garage for vehicle repair which will be open to members of the public at a cost.

Nairobi TTI has for a long time been recognized as a Centre of Excellence in Health and Applied Sciences, particularly Pharmaceutical and Medical Laboratory Technology.

Additionally, the Ministry of Education, through the State Department for Vocational and Technical Education, has recognized the institution as also one of the three centres of excellence for Automotive- Mechatronics Engineering.

Not long ago, the college administration put up a four-storey tuition block that has alleviated the tuition space challenges brought about by increased enrolment. The new block houses workshops and tuition rooms for Mechanical, Electrical and Institutional Management departments.

“We have already written to the Ministry of Education requesting for the equipping of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Institutional Management departments,” she confirmed.

She revealed that her administration was currently erecting a perimeter wall and a gate house around the institution’s playground in order to secure it.

Mutungi further confirmed that she had formally requested the Kenya Power and Lighting Company to install a dedicated transformer within the institution because the engineering workshops require a 3-phase power supply.

She noted that plans were underway to construct a modern hospitality block which will be done in phases.

Academic performance has been the centre of focus at Nairobi TTI and the institution is committed to maintaining high training standards. It is for this reason that deliberate efforts have been made to acquire additional Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure to integrate technology in training.

“We have built the capacity of our staff to use ODEL and Google classroom among other online training platforms. We have also installed a learning management system to improve the effectiveness of curriculum implementation process,” said the chief principal.

She added that the institution had also established an internal quality assurance system to ensure that training standards are maintained and continually improved.

Nairobi TTI made headlines by scooping the first position nationally in the Tertiary Institutions category in the Performance Contract ranking for the year 2019/2020.

Additionally, staff and trainees have come up with innovative solutions to address problems facing society such as road safety, climate change and waste management.

Lecturers at the training facility have conducted research and written papers on topics related to current TVET sector developments and advancements, which have won accolades in regional and national competitions.

In co-curricular activities, Nairobi TTI emerged position two during the Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions (KATTI) athletics competitions, Nairobi region. They were held at Thika Technical Training Institute in March 2022, where it won a total of 28 medals; 7 gold, 8 silver and 13 bronze.

That is not all. During the TVET Fair that was held at Narok Stadium from March 24 – 27, 2022, the institution also emerged the best in Business, Agriculture, Automotive and Building categories and took position 2 in Applied Sciences.

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, the college recently trained over fifty boda boda operators on road safety. Students from the institution also cleaned up Pangani and Kariokor neighbourhoods, and cleared a section that had clogged the drainage system along Mogira Road.

Currently, the student population stands at 8, 000.

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