14 Kijabe students free to do KCSE before school fire case proceeds

Woman defile student

It is a relief as 14 students from Kijabe High School located in Kiambu County are granted release orders by a Limuru Law Court on a Sh. 20, 000 cash bail each.

The students had been accused of rioting and causing malicious damage to property valued at millions of shillings.

Limuru Law Court Principal Magistrate Monicah Mugeru adjourned the case until the students sit for their Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams in October 2023.

This means that the students will have to wait until after their exams to continue with the legal proceedings.

It is still unclear why the students rioted.

Kijabe High School in Lari sub county, Kiambu County made headlines in September 2021, after its board was forced to close the school indefinitely following  a fire that gutted a dormitory.

The students were charged with conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor and malicious damage of property contrary to provisions of the Constitution in the inferno that maliciously destroyed goods worth millions that took place in September 2021.

The fire, broke out at the dormitory housing forty students, leading to the destruction of property of an unknown value including books, clothes and bedings.

Elsewhere, it has been reported that a dormitory in Ndururi Boys High School in Nyahururu has been reduced to ashes following a night inferno.

According to reports, the fire started at around 9 pm on the 27th of July 2023.

Its cause has not yet been established.

By Thuita Jaswant and Vostine Ratemo

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