Dispute over school football team to represent Nyanza in nationals


Nyanza is yet to declare a football team to represent the region in the national championship competitions to be held in Kakamega County from the 14th to 18th of next month.

This is after the Kisumu Day football team protested a win by Agoro Sare school football team.

The team which had faced Agoro sare in the regional football finals finishing at 0:0 proceeded to penalty managing 6 scores against the opponents’ Agoro sare from Homabay with 7 scores.

The Homabay-based school had however been declared the winner and received a trophy before Kisumu Day lodged a complaint against their win in the regional competitions on allegations of fielding an ineligible player.

Regional director in the Ministry of Education Nelson Sifuna has however congratulated the teams that have emerged winners in the just concluded regional competitions which were held at Maranda boys and Nyamira Girls schools in Siaya County.

He has urged them to continue with vigorous training to ensure they give the best in the forthcoming national competitions and to bring more trophies back to the region.

“We are optimistic that the teams that have won in the regional competitions are fit for the national competitions and will represent the region well.

I however challenge them to embark on training to ensure they beat the teams from other regions in the national ball games competition scheduled for next month in Kakamega.” Said Sifuna.

He encouraged other participants who lost in the competitions not to give up but to put more effort next time applauding them for the level of discipline they had displayed throughout the competitions and making it to the regional level.

Speaking to the education news on the phone he stated that the regional office was ready to enhance the facilitation of the teams that had qualified to represent the region in the national competitions next month.

“The Nyanza team will not arrive in Kakamega but will land in style ready to win in all the competitions.

This time I expect the teams that will represent the region in the national competitions to win and carry the day ready to proceed to the East African ball games to be held in Rwanda.” Noted Sifuna.

On the other hand, Migori countys’ director of education in the Ministry of Education Jacob Onyiego called on the teams that had lost at the regionals to embark on studies and maximize the remaining time to recover what they had missed during their participation in the ball games competition encouraging them to continue training during games ahead of next years’ competitions.

Onyiego also noted his joy on the county having produced a team to the nationals applauding the teachers and student participants who had made it to the nationals from Oyugi Ogango girls in Rongo sub- County of Migori County.

He noted that this time the games were smooth enabled by support from the national government, Kenya secondary school heads association (KESSHA), and teachers/ coaches among other key players and partners.

By Norah Musega

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