Positive attitude steers success in institutions, KATTI heads advised

Heads of technical institutions have been urged to have a positive attitude towards their work since their attitude has a significant impact on how they discharge their duties.

Speaking during the recent Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions (KATTI) capacity building workshop in Mombasa themed, ‘Building leadership capacity in TVET institutions for accelerated youth empowerment, Dr. Beatrice Kathungu, a lecturer at Kenyatta University’s department of psychology, said attitude  determines how one communicates and collaborates with those in their work environment.

“Attitudes determine how you perform your daily responsibilities and that ultimately shapes success in institutions,” she said, adding further that a positive attitude sees and acknowledges problems and focuses on finding solutions and opportunities.

Encouraging the TVET heads to be more accommodative and understanding of those around them, Dr. Kathungu added that people’s view of the world was shaped by various factors such as family and friends, where they live, their culture and past experiences.

“Our attitude is determined by aspects such as our mindset, what we constantly think and how we have trained our minds to constantly think,” explained Dr. Kathungu.

She reminded the heads that a negative attitude is habit forming and stops looking for solutions and opportunities.

By George Otieno

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