Shock for school principals as TSC CEO skips KESSHA conference

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Principals at this year’s 46th Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) Conference are an unhappy lot after the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) boss failed to show up in today’s event to address their concerns.

This is after the Commission Secretary and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nancy Macharia, who was expected to address the school heads on teacher innovativeness towards learner-centered curriculum today June 29, neither showed up nor sent a representative from the headquarters to attend the event.

However, Dr. Macharia sent the TSC Coast Regional Director Juliet Kariuki to read her speech.

The only official from the head office was Chairperson Dr. Jamleck Muturi John who addressed the teachers on Wednesday during the official opening ceremony.

Another development that also left teachers with a lot of questions was the absence of the TSC stand at the event to address questions and pertinent issues which required a one-on-one with TSC officials.

TSC Coast Regional Director Juliet Kariuki (left) and her colleague Victoria Muoka.

Furthermore, the TSC Directors’ Open Forum, where it was expected that various directors would be available to address their issues, did not take place despite it being in the today’s programme.

Instead, it was taken over by the Parliamentary Committee for Education chaired by Tinderet MP Julius Melly accompanied by MPs to address teachers on the role of Parliament in enhancing quality education through legislation.

According to KESSHA National Chairman Kahi Indimuli, among the issues contained in a memorandum earlier presented to TSC which they wanted be addressed, is the issue of omission of Grade D4 in the recent promotional advert, and the broader issue of stagnation on one job group for some teachers.

Indimuli highlighted the issue of acting deputies who the Commission failed to appoint them as Principals but deployed new Principals, a situation that leads to demoralization of the deputies.

Through Ms. Kariuki, Dr. Macharia apologized for her absence saying she was held up in other official duties and assured them that the Commission had received the memorandum and will act on it.

By Roy Hezron

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