Recovering drug addicts appeal for rehab centers and education support

A group of recovering drug addicts in Isiolo have are calling on the county government to establish for them rehabilitation centers and support them to acquire technical skills to engage them during the recovery process.

The group, mostly composed of former heroin addicts, said that due to lack of skills, they are forced to stay idle and most of the times relapse into drug addiction and also crime in order to earn a livelihood.

“A big number of those who had gone through the rehabilitation process on several occasions find themselves back into drug use in order to beat idleness. We need to be equipped with skills during the recovery process so that once we are out of the rehabilitation centres, we have something to do to earn a living for ourselves and families,” said Said Mwirigi, a recovering drug addict.

Expressing similar sentiments, Yussuf Jillo said the challenges they were facing had pushed them to the streets and sometimes were engaging in criminal activities to get money to buy drugs and satisfy other needs.

“Some of us are thieves while others are just genuine people. We really want a better life but challenges keep pushing us into crime. We appeal for immediate intervention by our leaders,” he added.

The group also decried an increasing number of selfish ‘middlemen’ who approach local leaders in the guise of seeking aid to help them only to fulfill their selfish interests.

They implored the leaders to be extra cautious while dealing with anyone who claims to seek help on behalf of drug addicts but to deal with the real addicts so that they get to understand their challenges and come up with ways on how they can be assisted.

“We have had many people who promise to help us reach the Governor and other leaders. Some even pick our Identity Card (ID) numbers and names but they never revert back,” said Yusuf Kimathi.

A human rights defender, Sharrif Abdinasir, said there is need for government and non-governmental actors to help tackle the drug abuse menace as it has ruined lives for many youth.

He called on the duty bearers to listen to the victims and understand the challenges they were facing so that they provide a lasting solution.

A recent survey by the National Campaign against Drug Abuse (NACADA) revealed that one in six Kenyans aged between 15 and 65 years was abusing at least one type of drug.

In Isiolo, over 250 young people could be abusing drugs including heroin, khat, bhang and alcohol, projections show.

By John Majau

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