MCA disburses Ksh3M bursary to 1,000 students

Education Holiday Kisii

Masige Ward Member County Assembly (MCA) Michael Motume has urged parents to prioritize their children’s education by collaborating with teachers in instilling discipline into their children

Speaking while disbursing Ksh3 million shillings worth of bursaries to 1,000 beneficiaries, he thanked Kisii County Governor Simba Arati for re-launching County Education Fund which availed Ksh125 million to the 45 wards.

“His step is a clear indication of his mindfulness to the children of this county,” he said.

He however regretted that the money was not enough to be awarded to all applicants but said that his ward committee give priority to orphaned students and those with single parents.

“This is all we had and I request my people to be patient with us as we share the little we have,” he said.

Motume asked the beneficiaries to work hard in their respective institutions and cautioned them against associating with negative peer influence.

“Avoid bad company by reflecting on the poor homes you have left behind and map ways of changing them through your determination in pursuit of success through education,” he added.

Idabellah Gekonde Ngoge, a parent, expected more than the Ksh3,000 to assist in clearing a huge balance for her second year daughter but appreciated the help nonetheless.

She appealed to other leaders from the area to continue assisting children proceed with their education as a way of giving back to society.

By Enock Okong’o

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