Parents raise concerns over sorry state of toilets in public school

Parents at Matuu Estate Primary School in Matungulu constituency have appealed to area Member of Parliament (MP) Stephen Mule and Member of County Assembly (MCA) Raphael Nzau Lucky to allocate funds to construct new washrooms for their children.

A section of the parents who spoke to the press lamented that the girls’ toilets were dilapidated terming them a ticking time-bomb.

Education News managed to visit the school and found the toilets in a deplorable state in addition to leaking roofs.

“These toilets were constructed a long time ago when I was a pupil here, and now I am a parent with a child here. I am worried about their state because they look like they can cave in at any time. Also when it rains they are unusable because the roofs leak,” said a parent.

They said that some of the classes were also not in a presentable state and needed repairs but insisted that the toilets issue be addressed first.

“As days go by, the toilets pose a danger to our children. We know there is a lot of work that needs to be done in the school but the toilets are a priority,” said another parent.

“I hope they are not waiting for tragedy to strike so they rush here to make unending promises. Toilet construction is not that expensive for them to complain of lack of funds,” added a third parent.

By Agnes Orang’o

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