MCAs urge residents to enroll school leavers at Kericho Township TVC

A Kericho Member of County Assembly (MCA) has encouraged residents and past KCSE candidates to patronize courses and programmes offered at the Kericho Township Technical and Vocational College (TVC).

Speaking during the second day of the TVC’s inaugural Mega Exhibition On Agribusiness, Industry And Technological Innovation, Kapkugerwet MCA Martin Cheruiyot said that neighbouring communities should also enroll to the TVC as it was equipped with State of the Art training equipment.

“This is the time for each family that has a student who just cleared standard eight or form four to take the initiative of enrolling them here. The courses offered are tailored for the current job market and they will not regret their decision,” he said.

The MCA welcomed residents of Ainamoi and notably the neighbouring wards of Kapkugerwet, Kipchebor, Kipchimchim, Kapsoit, Kapsaos and beyond to also take advantage of the public institution.

Mr. Cheruiyot, who was the Chief Guest, promised full support to the TVET college through allocation of bursaries and through lobbying for support from other stakeholders. He also gave assurance that the county assembly through the relevant committees will also assist.

The MCA observed the exhibition, which will be held annually, will fill the niche educational benefits for locals; which had been left vacant by the Kericho Agricultural Show which used to be held annually at the Kericho Green Stadium.

Some livestock on display at the exhibition.

He thanked the organizers for coming up with the exhibition saying that the current farming landscape was knowledge-based.

Mr. Cheruiyot observed that the biggest challenge to farming in the area was the fast dwindling land sizes that necessitated the utilization of technology in order to increase production.

“We have a lot of opportunity to improve on agriculture and I urge every farmer to attend such exhibitions so as to acquire the latest information in crop farming or animal husbandry,” he said.

He noted that farming was now among the few remaining opportunities that the youth should look into to ensure food security for the county and country at large.

His Kipchimchim ward counterpart Mr. Philip Mutai said he was gratified as graduates of the TVC were already utilizing their skills in various businesses in Kericho town.

CMC Motors representative Mr. Philip Cheruiyot said the company was ready to donate an engine for training purposes and facilitate the actualization of the Automotive Engineering Course.

“We will organize for the donation of an engine for the automotive engineering class as well as see what other automotive components to add that will support the institution,” he said.

CMC Motors representative Mr Philip Cheruiyot speaks during the event.

The college Principal Mr. Shadrack Tonui and the Board Chair Dr. Reuben Langat thanked the exhibitors for their support and told locals to take advantage of such forums to glean knowledge.

They thanked CMC Motors for extending a helping hand saying they will make good usage of the donated materials.

The Kericho County Governor Dr. Erick Mutai is expected to officially close the function tomorrow.

By Benedict Ng’etich

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