Baringo Technical College closed indefinitely following students’ unrest


Baringo Technical College has been closed indefinitely following students’ protests that paralyzed learning at the institution.

Through an internal memo, the institution’s Chief Principal Josphat Kipkemboi asked the students to vacate the college premises with immediate effect and await further communication from the college.

He noted that after consultations with the county security committee and directorate, the school has been closed to avert further damages.

Led by the student leaders, the students complained about capitation, which hasn’t been addressed since last year.

They also claimed the institution had failed to listen, respect and address their grievances.

The student leaders complained of poor management by the administration and demanded ouster of some top leaders at the technical college.

‘‘We want audit into the institution accounts, top brass leaders and their allies to save face of the growing institution. Alleged nepotism and favoritism in appointments by the institutions should be put to an end,’’ said the protesting students.

The students engaged the police in a running battle along Kasoiyo road. However, the police dispersed them using teargas canisters.

By our reporter

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