Parents urged to pay fees on time to help schools stay afloat


Several schools are facing liquidity problems due to chronic delays and non-payment of school fees in Kericho County, Bureti Sub County Director of Education (SCDE) Mrs. Beatrice Mochama has said.

The Director, who was speaking at Kabartegan High School in Bureti during the AGM-cum-Thanksgiving day, lamented of the trend which she said was attributed to by the harsh economic realities that were facing many families in the country.

She said that school principals were at a loss as they had no other sources of income to supplement the food and boarding charges.

“Due to slight delays by the government in the disbursement of school capitation, several schools are really struggling to run their operations. This is the time when it becomes very stressful for principals to run boarding schools, especially when parents fail to honour their obligation of paying fees,” she said.

Mochama said that despite the delays, the government was still doing its part by constructing classrooms, building dormitories and supplying textbooks to the schools.

While acknowledging economic hardships faced by parents, the educationist cautioned against huge fee arrears in the schools saying they might cripple schools.

“I call on all the stakeholders including the BOM, Parents Associations and Principals to come together and work out formulas for clearing the huge arrears,” she said.

The SCDE congratulated teachers, the BoM and students for the hard work which saw the school rise from a mean of 3.8 to 5.7 in the 2022 KCSE.

She urged parents to invest in the motivation of teachers as it always proved to be very productive in boosting good results.

Principal Nelson Rotich said 59 students managed to attain the university cut off points

He echoed Mochama’s sentiments on fee arrears and urged parents to sacrifice to make the education of their children smooth.

Rotich noted that students were disciplined and incase of indiscipline incidences, they worked closely with the guidance and counseling departments.

By Benedict Ngetich

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