The living hell that is JSS teachers’ lives


The Competency Based Curriculum, with special focus on Junior Secondary Schools (JSS), has been marred with a lot of controversies hence negatively affecting its implementation.

A spot check done by Education News in various schools in Manyatta and Mbeere South sub counties in Embu county revealed that JSS has a myriad of unresolved issues.

One of the JSS teachers at Gatondo Primary School who sought anonymity revealed that their morale is low since they haven’t been paid for months.

“The delayed salaries are causing a lot of mental anguish among us,” he added, further explaining that their problems have become unbearable such that teachers from the primary school sections of the many schools have opted to teach the JSS classes out of empathy emanating from watching the learners sit idle in their classrooms for hours.

He added that JSS learners have never done any Science practicals because the fabricated mobile laboratories are yet to be delivered to schools with the government only delivering books for four subjects.

Most Science term books are missing, a situation that has made it difficult for the teachers to effectively implement their duties.

As if frustrations from the government are not enough, the JSS teachers didn’t receive the warm expected welcome at their work stations.

Primary school teachers in Mbeere North schools claimed most of the youthful teachers arrived at their new stations displaying a sense of superiority complex.

The teachers argued that since the JSS teachers deployment letters indicate they should be assigned duties outside the JSS classrooms by the primary schools heads, they need to show respect to those they found on the ground.

The experienced primary school teachers with a history of successfully producing exemplary exam results at the zonal, county and national level view the newly recruited tutors as amateurs.

“They should not come to school and behave as if they know it all. They should interact with us as professionals and show some respect.” One of the teachers said.

By Robert Nyagah

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