Kill the Finance Bill, teachers are already overtaxed, KUPPET Makueni says


KUPPET Makueni has opposed the proposed Finance Bill 2023 which will see teachers’ salaries cut by 3 per cent to fund the national housing scheme saying teachers are already overtaxed and further levies will be akin to taking half of their salaries.

The branch Executive Secretary Justus Kimeu said that currently Pay As You Earn (PAYE) cuts 30 per cent, provident fund takes 7.5 percent, NHIF, NSSF and now the proposed 3 per cent will mean that over 40 per cent of teachers’ salary will go back to the government in taxes.

“This leaves teachers with half of what they are supposed to earn from the employer. It’s like the government has taken half of the teacher’s salary,” the unionist said.

Kimeu called upon the government to shelve the Bill and introduce it later after the economy stabilizes and salaries raised.

“Also, this Bill was not subjected to public participation. The government should have gone to the workers who will be affected before presenting it to the parliament,” he said.

The KUPPET boss observed that most teachers do not need houses because they already have them while others are servicing mortgages thus the government should consider amending the Bill to make the salary cuts voluntary.

He added that some teachers are servicing facilities with banks, Saccos and almost 80 per cent of the members will not afford the cut due to the many loans they have.

Having come from hard economic times occasioned by Covid-19 conditions and the high cost of living, he said that teachers are suffering enough.

As a union, Kimeu appealed to Members of Parliament to reject the Bill in totality when it is presented to the parliament in solidarity with the people who elected them.

He added that if push comes to shove, teachers will be ready for mass action, demonstration or even boycotting of work.

By Lydia Ngoolo

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