Recruitment drives breathe life into KNUT branch as membership rises

KNUT recruitment

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Taita Taveta branch is getting back to life as it continues growing its membership through recruitment drives across the county.

Since embarking on the aggressive and vigorous recruitment drive in February and March 2022, the branch has regained its membership which now stands at almost 1,400 teachers.

Speaking at the branch’s Mwatate office ahead of the AGM to be held tomorrow, Executive Secretary Lenox Mshila made a clarion call to unregistered teachers in the county to consider doing so to avoid deduction of agency fee.

“Non-members are being deducted agency fee hence we ask them to join us because this is where all teachers belong,” he added.

At the same time, he called upon the Teachers Service commission (TSC) to reconsider its policy on teacher promotion noting that most teachers have spent a lot of money in advancing their education in order to advance in their promotion but in vain.

“Majority of teachers have taken loans from Saccos and Banks to help them pursue the same. Currently, most of them have low income due to loan deductions. It demoralizes the teachers to see that their efforts for improvement are not being recognized,” said Mshila.

He further noted that despite the introduction of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) and Teacher Performance Appraisal Development (TPAD) as tools of enhancing teachers’ competence and chances of promotions, many teachers have not been promoted.

By Michael Oduor

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