Learners among victims as tension rise in insecurity prone area


The Government has moved to beef up security after learners are among those killed in troubled areas along the West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet counties after two people were on Monday killed and hundreds of livestock stolen at Kamologon area.

Those killed were learners of Kapusheni Primary School, something that prompted learning institutions and trading centers to remain closed.

Tension remained high in the area after the attack which led to many residents migrating from the area due to fear.

Among the affected schools are Rasoma, Stona, Kapshen and Rawal Primary Schools.

GSU officers have been deployed at the troubled Kamologon area after two people were killed and hoards of livestock stolen.

The security team has been staged to pursue and flush out bandits who have been killing people and stealing livestock from their hideouts.

The inaccessible Kamologon area in Pokot Central Sub County   has been   a hideout of criminals who cause mayhem in the area.

Following the incident, more than 60 General Service Unit [GSU] have been deployed  in  forests within Kamologon, Stona, Sekution, Kameketoi, Tapach, Kamelei, Kabichbich and Tamkal  villages.

Area leaders and the security team who visited the vicinity on Tuesday found it difficult to reach the scene of crime.

West Pokot County police commandant Peter Kattam  said that the government will recruit more than 200 National Police Reservists [NPR]  in Pokot South Sub County.

“We need residents to work with security agencies for peace to be realized in this region,” he said.

He called on peace committees from the two warring communities to conduct regular meetings and asked elders to speak to youths.

By Kipilat Kapusia

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