Pupil who died in fire incident laid to rest

A grade one pupil from Bungoma DEB Primary School who died in a fire incident on April 7 has been laid to rest at their home in Mashambani Village, Kanduyi Constituency.

Catherine Nafula Nyongesa died at the age of 5, 23 days to her 6th birthday.

The late commonly referred  to as Cate was the first born of Paul and Christine Nyongesa, a family of two.

According to her mother, her daughter left home together with her friends to play just near-by their home.

Christine stated that at around 9 pm, the room in which the late Catherine was spending time caught fire.

The fire quickly spread to the ceiling which collapsed when Cate was in deep sleep.

“Cate Mummy, you were not just a daughter to me but a friend , a secret keeper, a confidant ,a fashionista and my all the prayer item,” said the mother who was overwhelmed by emotions.

Douglas  Situma one  of the residents, who was an eye-witness when the incident happened aid that the efforts to save Catherine from the fire were futile as the fire was uncontrollable.

“By the time we managed to put out the fire, Cate had already passed on with her body burnt beyond recognition,” Situma said.

The area MCA Anthony Lusenaka also mourned the girl.

“I pray for God’s comfort to the family of the Catherine. I stand with you in this grief as a parent, my sincere condolences. No parent should ever wish to go through the torment the Nyongesa’s family are undergoing,” said Lusenaka.

Her class teacher, Madam Tabitha Oguda, mourned her pupil as an active girl with good performance in class with a bright future  in  her  studies.

By Achola Mathews

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