Why it’s wrong to have a common uniform for all schools


Some time back, Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba introduced a bill in parliament that focuses on standardization of school uniform in public secondary schools countrywide.

The move envisioned the adoption of similar school uniforms by regularizing the quality, colour, pricing and uniformity.

The legislator posits that if the bill goes through, it will save parents from cartels making a living from hiking the prices of the needed commodities. She is also imploring the mandarins at the Ministry of Education to swing swiftly and formulate the school uniform policy, with a special bent on standardisation and production of outfits in the country.

Dr Kilemi Mwiria’s landmark report focused on eliminating unnecessary levies and limiting the components of school uniforms to essential elements.

The report postulated that the basic components of school uniform should include shorts, trousers, skirts, shirts, blouses, neckties, sweaters, socks and foot wear. It also listed sunhats for learners abled differently.

It eliminated blazers and other components it deemed burdening to parents and guardians.

Unfortunately, the education sector chose to dodge impressive implementation of the good side of the report.

Changes are good. Albeit, they should be objective in their entirety and totality. Ideally, changes void and devoid of objectivity bring confusion.

Hon. Wamuchomba believes that having central centres selling uniform in every county will clip the wings of cartels in the education sector.

Recently, the Cabinet Secretary of Trade, Moses Kuria, issued a directive that blocks the sale of uniforms in schools. He argued that principals exploit parents by skyrocketing the prices of uniforms.

Whether or not the CS was right is a question for another day but the most important thing to have in mind is that matters concerning the ministry of education should come from the Cabinet Secretary of Education Ezekiel Machogu who should solicit counsel from the technocrats and policy makers in the sector concerning the same.

All Kenyans will agree with the proposal to standardize school uniforms if it will act as a reprieve to parents who are already grappling to eke out a living because times are tough.

We hope they are not advocating for the sale of school uniforms at some specific points so that they prepare some fertile grounds for fat cats to enrich themselves. We hope they are not intending to use such bills to peddle popularity and influence. Kenyans are suffering hence they are in need of sensitive leaders who can yank them out of terrible trenches. Kenyans are sick and tired of bare-faced lies spewed by some crass leaders whose tongues are glib like glass.

Consequently, we all know that this debate about uniforms is important. More so if it puts premium on why learners should clad in uniforms. Two, we should also strive to understand why every school should be given the latitude to settle on its unique uniform.

Therefore, as we compel students to adhere to every ambit of school rules and regulations, we should always spare ample time and make them know that uniforms ideally spell out order, authority, discipline, respect, security, equity and responsibility. Uniforms also steer clear on uniformity of thought and support. By dressing the same, people take care of their own. They protect their brand and their type. Uniforms give them a sure sense of belonging, ownership, pride and prestige.

In conclusion, having a common uniform for all the schools in the country will be a wrong move because it will make schools lose their unique identities. Unique school uniforms inject a serious sense of responsibility in learners. For instance, when students in boarding schools are out of school, they regulate their behaviour because they know that those who know the school are watching closely.

The writer is an editor, author, trainer and peripatetic public speaker.

By Victor Ochieng’


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